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Investigation title Investigation number Occurrence date Sort ascending Report status Report release
Track worker struck by train, near Laverton station, Victoria, on 2 October 2015 RO-2015-019 Final
Safe working irregularity, near Jumperkine, Western Australia, on 29 September 2015 RO-2015-018 Final
Level crossing collision between freight train 8834N and road-train truck, Tullamore Rd, Narromine, New South Wales, on 23 September 2015 RO-2015-016 Final
Locomotive runaway, at the Sydney Operations Yard, Chullora, New South Wales, on 23 September 2015 RO-2015-017 Final
Derailment of freight train MB520, Pangela, New South Wales, on 28 August 2015 RO-2015-015 Final
Derailment of freight train 532, near Nala, Tasmania, on 6 August 2015 RO-2015-014 Final
Loading irregularity on train 6MC2, near Bowser, Victoria, on 24 July 2015 RO-2015-013 Final
Collision involving a ballast regulator and a track tamper, near Greta, New South Wales, on 14 July 2015 RO-2015-012 Final
Over-speed of V/Line passenger train 8625 over points, at Wallan loop, Wallan, Victoria, on 11 July 2015 RO-2015-011 Final
Derailment of track maintenance vehicles, Singleton, New South Wales, on 11 June 2015 RO-2015-010 Final
Signals Passed at Danger by Train 1240, at Marshall (Geelong) Victoria, on 29 May 2015 RO-2015-009 Final
Signals Passed at Danger by passenger train TD3050, at Upwey and Upper Ferntree Gully, Victoria, on 12 April 2015 RO-2015-008 Final
Collision between freight trains 2MP1 and 2MP9, at Mile End, South Australia, on 31 March 2015 RO-2015-007 Final
Wrong running direction involving passenger train 165-S, Mt Druitt, New South Wales, on 12 March 2015 RO-2015-005 Final
Passenger train collision with maintenance equipment, Montgomery, near Sale, Victoria, on 16 February 2015 RO-2015-003 Final
Derailment of empty coal train NB901, at Kankool, New South Wales, on 15 February 2015 RO-2015-004 Final
Collision between track worker and passenger train, at Guildford, Western Australia, on 10 February 2015 RO-2015-002 Final
Derailment of TasRail train 135, Kimberley, Tasmania, on 25 January 2015 RO-2015-001 Final
Derailment of freight train 2AD1, near Hugh River, Northern Territory, on 23 December 2014 RO-2014-025 Final
Collision between truck and passenger train 8042, at Woodvale, Victoria, on 19 December 2014 RO-2014-024 Final