Helibrook inadequate safety management
Date issue released
Issue number
Issue Status
No longer relevant
Transport Function
Aviation: General aviation
Issue Owner
Helibrook Pty Ltd
Mode of Transport
Safety Issue Description

Helibrook’s approved safety management system was not being used to systematically identify and manage operational hazards. As a result, risks associated with conducting human external cargo operations such as carriage of the egg collector above a survivable fall height were not adequately addressed.

Response by Helibrook

Following this accident, Helibrook advised the ATSB that they had ceased operation. They further advised that their helicopter fleet was being sold and the chief executive officer/chief pilot was no longer involved with the operation.

ATSB comment

CASA confirmed that as Helibrook no longer had the required key personnel, it was considered to be suspended from operation. Under those circumstances, the operator’s safety management system was no longer in use. The identified safety issue was therefore closed as no longer relevant.

Issue Status Justification

As Helibrook has ceased operation, the safety management system is no longer in use.